Omega-3 MCT

2 in 1

Das neue Produkt für Sportler, Fitness, Abnehmen, Bodybuilding und Ketogene Ernährung.
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Omega-3 MTC

Omega3-MCT ist das neue Supplement für alle Sportler und Leute, die Ihren Körper in Topform bringen wollen. Die Kombination von Omega-3 Fettsäuren und hochwertigem MCT-Öl hilft dir dabei, Körperfett zu reduzieren und Muskeln aufzubauen.

Omegon Dose
Lean Girl with abs - Omega-3 MCT

Get in shape!

Dass die Ernährung einen wesentlichen Faktor bei der Erreichung seiner Formziele spielt ist inzwischen allen klar.
Mit Omega-3 MCT steht nun ein einfaches sowie wie extrem effektives Nahrungsergänzungsmittel bereit, diese Ziele zu erreichen.
Noch ist Omega-3 MCT in Deutschland nicht erhältlich, aber hier hast du die Chance, dir einen 20% Rabatt zu sichern.

Omega-3 und MCT Facts


  • There are three Omega 3 fatty acids, ALA (alph-linolenic acid) which is found in vegetable oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are found in fish oil.
  • EPA and DHA are the most important and “good” Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • EPA has several important functions in the body. It regulates blood pressure, decreases blood clotting, regulates the lipoprotein metabolism, inhibits allergic and inflammatory processes and has a positive effect on the heart rate and pain perception.
  • DHA has a basic function in brain development and eyesight in embryos and young children. DHA also supports the transmission of stimuli to nerves and helps in the prevention of dementia.
  • EPA and DHA lower your insulin levels, so the extra calories you eat are burned off for energy, instead of being stored as body fat.
  • Omega 3 oils are also anti-lipogenic (block fat storage) and increase your metabolic rate, so you burn body fat faster . This results in the suppression of the production of cortisol, a stress-related hormone that also causes you to store vs. burn off extra calories
  • Omega 3 fatty acids were proven to improve the blood flow to muscles during exercising, thus increasing your body’s ability to burn more fat.
  • A diet rich in omega 3 oils improves the blood sugar levels hypoglycemia) so you have more energy (and drive) to workout.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids increase your body’s production of energy and the liver function which is your fat-management organ.


  • Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of MCTs that increase metabolic rates
    and lead to weight loss. MCTs promote what is called thermogenesis.
    Thermogenesis increases the body’s metabolism, producing energy.
  • The MCTs are absorbed and transported directly into the liver via the portal vein. They are metabolized rapidly by beta-oxidation, and they increase dietinduced thermogenesis.
  • When MCT oil is metabolized in the body, it behaves more like a
    carbohydrate than a fat. Remember that the fuel of preference for the body is carbohydrate. Unlike other fats, MCT oil does not go through the lymphatic system. Instead, it is transported directly to the liver where it is metabolized so it releases energy like a carbohydrate and creates lots of ketones (which can be used for fuel) in the process.
  • MCT has a smaller molecular structure and is more soluble in water.
    Therefore, it is easier for your body to absorb.
  • Whereas conventional fats are prone to being stored as body fat, MCT is transported directly from the small intestine to the liver by the portal vein.
  • In the liver, some of the MCTs are turned into ketone bodies, which the muscles can use for energy.
  • Some MCT’s are used for thermogenesis, and a portion is converted to ATP, the energy currency of the cell.
  • MCT, therefore is processed in the liver, so there is little left to be stored as fat.


Fettverbrennung durch Fett

Bei der ketogenen Ernährung stellt der Körper auf direkte Fettverbrennung um. Doch um den Zustand der Ketose aufrecht zu erhalten werden hochwertige Fette und Öle benötigt. Omega3-MCT ist das Ideale Produkt um deinen Körper in die Ketose zu bringen.

Gesunde Fettsäuren und Mittelkettige Triglycerid (MCT) Fette sind nicht nur essentiell, sie sind auch der Schlüssel für eine gesunde Ernährung und ideal für sportlich Aktive.

Hochdosiertes EPA und DHA

Omega3-MCT bietet hochdosiertes EPA und DHA für dein intensives Workout - zur Maximierung der Trainingsergebnisse

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Omega3-MCT und einer Omega3 Tablette aus der Drogerie?


  • EPA (mg)
  • DHA (mg)
  • Vit. E (mg)
  • Dosierung
  • EPA (mg pro Tag)
  • EPA (% O3MCT)
  • DHA (mg pro Tag)
  • DHA (% O3MCT)
  • Vitamine E (mg pro Tag)

Produkt "A"

  • 134 mg
  • 121 mg
  • 13,4 mg
  • 1
  • 134 (mg pro Tag)
  • 12,18 (% O3MCT)
  • 121 (mg pro Tag)
  • 17,29 (% O3MCT)
  • 13,4 (mg pro Tag)


  • 1.100 mg
  • 700 mg
  • 2,5 mg
  • 1
  • 1.100 (mg pro Tag)
  • 100 (% O3MCT)
  • 700 (mg pro Tag)
  • 100 (% O3MCT)
  • 2,5 (mg pro Tag)